Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Sorry everybody,

I know it's been a long time in between blog posts.

Thing is, I'm just not getting into this whole "blogging" thing. I feel like it's self-serving and weird to type a journal of things about me here. I can't get into it.

My heart was never really in it from the start. Sure i like to make jokes, but i'm more of an on-the-spot, out-loud type of joker, that's where i do my best work. Or writing situational stuff. But just talking about stuff that happens to me, and trying to spit out weeks or months of things that have happened on a dime while i'm at a computer . . . ugh. It's not that fun.

I honestly don't understand why these things are so damn popular. Every asshole with a computer blathers away paragraph after paragraph in these things. Peoples' grandparents, presidential candidates, emo turds, big fat ugly boring people, the blogosphere is rife with uninteresting garbage, I'm not sure if anybody's reading it.

So, I am giving up blogging. I think it's stupid. Life is good here in Mexico City, i'm really getting into it, meeting new people, going out more, seeing more of the museums and parks and little pueblos and the whole thing. It's becoming an amazing experience like i knew it could, it just took me manning up and making the decision to go pell-mell at it instead of kind of lingering around and not really making the most of it.

So that's what i'm up to. Having wild experiences. I'm sure you'd like to read all about them here, but you can't. Because i don't want to type them here. So, if you want to see how i am, or check in with me or something, write me an email, and i will be happy to send you a personal response with all the pertinent fun facts about my life and times abroad. my email is leemsaunders AT gmail.

Until then my friends, you will just have to assume. Sorry. I can't get into this crap.
